Creating Great Experiences Between Customers and Bankers

JRNI’s goal is to enrich the personal connections between our clients and their customers. Banking is better when people truly connect. But it can be difficult to find the time to talk about finances, particularly for a client, with the chaos of daily life. JRNI puts clients in control of their time, enabling them to meet with you when they want, how they want, and where they want. At the same time, you are in full control of the services you offer, where and when they are offered, and who can perform them.

Personal connections are the driving factor behind integration between Backbase and JRNI. With Backbase, you have the industry’s most reliable core banking platform. With JRNI, your clients and your staff feel heard and are enabled to have great interactions with one another.

Backbase and JRNI are integrated solutions, so you can use JRNI inside the same great Backbase user experience you already know. If you are still managing appointments with spreadsheets and Outlook, let us show you a better way.

Make bankers and wealth managers more accessible to clients

Your best sales staff work tirelessly to build lasting relationships with clients. To manage their time, it is common practice for sales staff to “live and die” by their Outlook calendars. High performers are busy, and while Outlook gives them visibility into each day, clients don’t see that availability and bookings are not automated.

Schedule management is complex and can result in friction with clients.

  • Integrates with Outlook/Exchange in real-time to manage each salesperson’s availability. JRNI will automatically stop offering bookings at times where staff is unavailable.

  • Personal booking links for in-person, virtual, and phone appointments. Clients receive simpler access to the banker they already enjoy working with - and better control of staff’s time.

Improve the client experience at multiple engagement points

Backbase offers multiple roles that support what staff members can do. JRNI helps your sales staff maximize the client experience for appointments, as you’ve read above, but we have other parts to play as well.

  • Contact center representatives/CSRs: have the capabilities they need to service a client’s request for an appointment (book, change, cancel) through Backbase+JRNI, without access to other information.

  • Bankers and Sales Staff: Standard roles enable a user to perform all of the tasks they’d need to book, manage, and complete an appointment. Control over bookable hours can be given to individual staff or bank management.

  • Clients receive fast, consistent service whether they are interacting with a CSR, booking an appointment online, or booking directly with their favorite banker.

  • Staff know their schedules and commitments and can serve clients at times that are mutually acceptable.

Make engagement simple for everyone, wherever they are

Device agnostic: Client and staff experiences can be accessed and managed on a device of choice. Appointments can be booked or changed with a few taps on their phone or clicks on a tablet or computer.

Notifications: Receive a meeting invitation and calendar item upon booking. Staff can manage their bookings in Backbase, Outlook, or both. Clients can reschedule or cancel the booking from the email confirmation, and Backbase+JRNI updates everyone.

Virtual meetings: Offer online appointments via your existing Teams or Zoom subscription. Clients and staff can all use reliable meeting platforms they trust on whatever device they like.

Improve your client knowledge: Every booking, change, and cancellation is automatically sent to your Backbase customer database. Clients can meet with you in ways they like, and your sales staff has a reliable solution to give them a great experience.

Setup JRNI+Backbase Integration

JRNI experiences are already integrated with the Backbase platform and available now. To learn more about this integration, Speak to your Backbase salesperson today.

Ask how JRNI Appointments can help you deliver exceptional engagements