JRNI Quick Start

The fastest, easiest, and most effective way to provide your customers with personalized, convenient, and desirable booking experiences that attract, grow and retain your trusted relationships.

JRNI has removed the roadblocks - cost, internal resources, lengthy implementation times - between brands and their ability to provide customers with unique and memorable experiences.

The JRNI Quick Start Program enables brands to implement and launch branded appointment booking and queuing experiences in under 30 days at one convenient and affordable price.*

Enterprise-grade and globally scalable, the JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform is designed to grow with your specific brand’s needs and use cases.

Program Scope

Locations: 5 Locations

Bookable Users: Unlimited

Customized Customer Journeys: 1

Duration: 1 Year

Included in JRNI Quick Start

  • Virtual, In-person and Phone Appointments

  • Standard Exchange/Outlook online integrations

  • Standard single sign on Integration (admin only)

  • Standard Zoom or Native Video Integration

  • Analytics (2 Licenses)

  • Personal Booking Links

  • SMS & Email Messaging

  • Multi-Staff Booking

  • Enterprise Security & Scalability

  • 24x7x365 Customer Support

  • Customer Success Team Access

Appointment Uses Cases


Prospective customer self-service via public website.


Client self-service via authenticated journey via public website.


Personal booking links sent from staff.

Staff Experience


In-store computer/tablet/mobile appointment and calendar management for users.


Staff and schedule management for admins / managers.


Staff email integration.


Staff personal booking links.

Commitments required from Client

  • Confirmation on integration and configuration details (locations, services, etc)

  • IT resources to turn on connectors for email integration and to enable SSO

  • Location information - address, phone, hours of each location

  • Branding information (colors, images, fonts)

  • Service information and images

  • Staff information (details, schedules - this can be managed at the location or corporate level)

  • Access to store managers and staff for education and feedback

Quick Start Commercials*

JRNI's Quick Start Program is designed to be affordable, offering a cost-effective solution to help businesses rapidly implement and benefit from our scheduling, queuing and events management platform.

JRNI's Quick Start Program is available for a limited time only.